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(sorry if my english is bad, i'm still learning)

recently i started exploring the deep web, but actually i don't know how to explore any other web site that it is not in the hidden wiki, and a mexican youtuber that i like a lot has a section of funny websites in the deep web, and i will love if someone can teach me how to explore more websites that the ones everybody know
in Darknet and Tor by Cunt (230 points)  

4 Answers

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Just look up on the internet if you know the name (if it's so popular). Otherwise use a dark web search engine like Phobos: http://phobosxilamwcg75xt22id7aywkzol6q6rfl2flipcqoc4e4ahima5id.onion/

It doesn't work like google so you cannot just ask a question. You need to give the name of the website (if it has a robots.txt) or just like something general as "forum", no sentences only a couple of words (1 to 3 max works best)
by Weed Mixed with Shit (2.9k points)  
if i give you the name of the site you think you can found it?
(sorry for asking a little late)
I have not been able to access Phobos for at least a month.

Anyone know why it is down?

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Just use excavator or torch search engines for your queries like duck duck go
get their links from tor.link and search "torch link" on surface web for torch search engine.

by Executor (24.4k points)  
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I have 1k+ deepweb links Wall me for it

by Caesar (30.8k points)  
(sorry for answering after a long time)
i can't wall you, or i don't know how, there is a message that says "You do not have permission to perform this operation" i'm kinda new here and i don't how to use the site correctly